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Enrollment Information


If you are the parent/guardian of a student new to the District, you can enroll your child online by using the Online Registration System (ParentVUE). The system is a secure and streamlined process that allows school staff to verify your child’s information. Upon completion, your child’s information will be electronically sent to the school. School staff will contact you within 3 - 5 business days to finalize your child’s enrollment and to discuss online Home Learning Opportunities.

If you have any questions about online enrollment, please contact the office. Tincher staff will discuss with you the LBUSD’s online registration process and will review the required documents needed to begin the enrollment process.

If your child has previously been enrolled at a school in the Long Beach Unified School District, please contact the school immediately. You will be asked to email residency verification documents and other necessary documents, if needed. If you do not have internet access you will need to schedule a time to drop off the documents requested.

Below is a list of items that parents/guardians must upload to the registration portal or submit to the school of residence (enrolling at a school site) to register their child(ren):

Residency Verification (CA Education Code 48204.1)

Acceptable documentation of a residence includes two of the following:
  1. Property tax payment receipts

  2. Rental property contract, lease or payment receipts

  3. Utility service contract, statement or payment receipts
  4. Pay stubs
  5. Voter registration
  6. Correspondence from a government agency

Health Documents

  1. Immunization (CA Education Code 48216)
    The State of California requires students to be immunized against polio, diphtheria,tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chickenpox), and hepatitis B in order to attend school. An original immunization record or official school record must be presented at the time of enrollment for students that are new to the district. Due to Senate Bill 277, new personal beliefs exemptions (PBE) are no longer permitted, unless the student has an IEP. For the general education students, the only exemption allowed is a medical exemption. A parent or guardian must submit a written statement from a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.), which states:
    1. That the physical condition or medical circumstances of the child are such that the required immunization(s) is not indicated.
    2. Which vaccines are being exempted?
    3. Whether the medical exemption is permanent or temporary.
    4. The expiration date, if the exemption is temporary.
  2. Permanent Health History Form

Proof of Age (CA Education Code 48002)

Acceptable methods of age verification are through the following:

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Baptismal certificate
  3. Passport (parents must also supply birth certificate, divorce decree/court order that acknowledges them as parents for identification purposes)

Affidavit from the parent/guardian that certifies a student’s age. Other forms of verification such as hospital certificates are not acceptable.

Current IEP or 504

Parents/guardians must upload the most current IEP or 504 to the registration portal or bring the most current IEP or 504 to the school when completing the online enrollment process.

Official Transcripts (Middle School Only)
Parents/guardians must upload an official middle school transcript to the registration portal (in PDF format) during the enrollment process or bring an official middle school transcript to the school when completing the online enrollment process. The official transcript will determine the courses your child has completed and which courses your child should be enrolled in. Without an official transcript, middle schools will not be able to enroll new or returning students.

Home Hospital Instruction (CA Education Code 48206.3)

The district in which the home or residential health facility, excluding a state hospital is located is responsible for instructing and educating pupils who must be hospitalized or remain at home due to a temporary but extended illness or disability. The purpose of home/hospital instruction is to provide instruction to a student with a temporary disability (EC section 58206.3[b][2]). A temporary disability is defined as a physical, mental or emotional disability incurred while the student is enrolled in regular classes and after which the student can reasonably be expected to return to without special intervention.

A student with a temporary disability who is in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding a state hospital, located outside of the school district in which the student’s parent or guardian resides, shall be deemed to have complied with the residency requirements for school attendance in the school district in which the hospital is located. (EC Section 48207).

Please Contact Lucy Carbajal, BSN, RN, Program Specialist for Student Health Services, by email: or by phone: (562) 986-6870 x248, if you are requesting home hospital instruction.

Homeless and Foster Youth

For enrollment purposes, a homeless youth or foster youth has immediate rights to enrollment provided there is space available at the school site (school of residence or school of origin). If there is no space available at the school of residence or school of origin, then the student will be immediately enrolled in the district and you will be provided information about the school site that has a place for your child. If you are experiencing homelessness at this time, please ask your school for a Student Housing Questionnaire.

You can also contact the Bethune Homeless Education Program for assistance:
Nancy Izumi:; (562) 281-5977
Maribel Gonzalez:; (562) 452-3580

Foster Youth assistance:
Susana A. Cortes, LCSW: Foster Youth Unit, School Social Worker; (626) 539-3255.

Juvenile-Justice Involved Youth

Please contact Dr. Lushandra Prioleau by email: or by phone: (562) 315-8490 if your child is a formerly incarcerated youth seeking enrollment or re-enrollment in the Long Beach Unified School District.

Parent Rights and Custody Orders

Under California law, the general rule is that both natural parents have equal rights to make decisions affecting the education of their children. The general rule can be modified by a court order. If a custody order exists that sets for the rights of both parents, please upload the most recent copy to the registration portal or email the document to school staff.